Monday, February 28, 2011

"Habanera" by Sergio Puccini

Spanish guitarist Sergio Puccini’s recent record Romerias features Lalo Schifrin’s title piece, a suite of nine solo guitar pieces that the composer was commissioned to write in 1986 by famed guitarist Angel Romero.

Puccini’s remarkable performance here marks the first time this suite has been recorded in its entirety. The guitarist plays as if he knows exactly what the composer is aiming for – guitar artistry that touches on both classical structures and jazz inflections.

Puccini takes the piece and his performance utterly seriously. But he never forgets the fun that goes into constructing and witnessing such a performance.

The guitarist, whose Romerias CD was issued on Lalo Schifrin’s Aleph label in September 2010, is in the process of producing a performance DVD of the “Romerias” suite. He has recently completed filming the suite’s penultimate piece, “Habanera,” which I am pleased to be able to share here. To find out more about Romerias, check this out.

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